House and Senate vote to end prohibition!

The Vermont House and Senate have both passed bills in 2017 that would legalize possession and limited cultivation of marijuana by adults 21 and older.

On April 21, the Senate voted 21-9 to amend a House-passed bill (H. 167) to include language of a comprehensive legalization and regulation bill.

S. 170, which passed the House May 3 in a 75-71 vote, would simply eliminate penalties for adults’ possession and cultivation of a limited amount of cannabis. In an attempt to compromise with the House, the Senate amended another bill, S. 22, to include the language of H. 170 as well as a study commission to consider regulation and taxation. The Senate passed S. 22 back to the House on May 5. Adjournment is expected within days, so the House will need to concur with the Senate on S. 22 soon if it’s going to reach the governor’s desk this year.

Click here to see how your representatives voted on H. 170 and follow up with a quick phone call.

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