Forum at UVM on November 20 Concerning Ending Marijuana Prohibition in Vermont

In Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and our nation’s capital, voters have passed initiatives to end marijuana prohibition.

A strong majority of Vermonters also support our state moving to regulate and tax marijuana similarly to alcohol.

The Vermont Coalition to Regulate Marijuana and the UVM Young Americans for Liberty invite you to attend an educational forum at 7:30pm on Thursday, November 20, at the Sugar Maple + Summit Ballroom of the Dudley H. Davis Student Center at the University of Vermont.

Legislators and policy experts will discuss some of these relevant and timely questions:

Why have attitudes on marijuana policy changed so dramatically?

What questions remain before legislators can agree to legalize and regulate?

Should Vermont be the first New England state to end marijuana prohibition?

Featured panelists and speakers:

Senate Minority Leader Joseph Benning (R-Lyndonville)

Senator David Zuckerman (P-Hinesburg)

Rep. Linda Waite-Simpson (D-Essex)

Rep. Suzy Wizowaty (D-Burlington), Executive Director, Vermonters for Criminal Justice Reform

Paul Volk, Former President, Vermont Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Fran Janik, cannabis patient advocate

Laura Subin, Director, Vermont Coalition to Regulate Marijuana

Matt Simon, New England Political Director, Marijuana Policy Project

The event will be hosted by the UVM Young Americans for Liberty.

RSVP and invite your friends to attend on Facebook!