Upcoming Event: Leader of Colorado Campaign to Legalize Marijuana to Speak at Nectar’s on January 15

Public support for marijuana legalization has reached a record-high. In Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and our nation’s capital, voters have passed initiatives to end marijuana prohibition.

 A strong majority of Vermonters also support our state moving to regulate and tax marijuana similarly to alcohol.

On Thursday, January 15 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm join the Vermont Coalition to Regulate Marijuana for an event in Burlington at Club Metronome above Nec
tar’s.  Mason Tvert, a leader of the campaign that made marijuana legal in Colorado, will share his insights into the past, present, and future of marijuana policy in America. Mason will also be joined by Matt Simon, New England Political Director for the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP).

Mason Tvert is Director of Communications for MPP, where he oversees media and online outreach in support of state and federal lobbying efforts, state and local ballot initiatives, and public education campaigns. Prior to joining MPP, he co-directed the successful campaign in support of Amendment 64, the 2012 ballot initiative to regulate marijuana like alcohol in Colorado. The Denver Post named him the state’s “Top Thinker” of 2012 in the area of politics and government. Mason is also co-founder of Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER) and a co-author of Marijuana Is Safer: So why are we driving people to drink?

Matt Simon is the New England Political Director for MPP, and has played a leading role in the effort to reform marijuana laws in states all across New England. Matt was heavily involved in the successful campaign for Vermont’s decriminalization law and led the efforts to allow medical marijuana in New Hampshire. Matt also previously served as Executive Director for the New Hampshire Coalition for Common Sense Marijuana Policy.

RSVP for the Thursday, January 15 event and like the Vermont Coalition to Regulate Marijuana on Facebook today!